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Implementation Strategy

The Healthy Encampment Initiative will implement its vision through a comprehensive, phased approach:

  1. Location Identification: The first step involves conducting a thorough assessment to identify a suitable location within the Kootenay region. This will consider factors like accessibility, environmental impact, proximity to services, and community acceptance. Engagement with local governments, landowners, and community organizations will be crucial during this phase to ensure the site aligns with broader community goals and streamlines the permitting process.

  2. Implementation of Core Components:

    • Sanitation: Introduction of portable sanitary stations, waste management systems, and accessible water stations to improve health and hygiene.
    • Modular Shelter: Design and assembly of sustainable, easy-to-assemble modular shelters that provide dignified living spaces.
    • Nature-Based Healing: Creation of green spaces, therapeutic gardening, and outdoor activities to foster a connection with nature and support mental health.
    • Community Engagement: Implementation of workshops, community governance, and volunteer programs to empower residents and encourage local community involvement.

This strategy not just addresses the needs of the immediate population but also aims to create a sustainable, empowering environment that encourages community development and engagement. The process starts with the careful selection of a location and continues with the deployment of sanitation facilities, modular shelters, nature-based healing, and community engagement practices. Through this phased approach, the initiative hopes to transform homeless encampments into healthier, safer, and more inspiring environments, fostering a sense of responsibility and community among inhabitants.


  1. Location Identification (Summer 2024 - Winter 2024): The project will kick off in Summer 2024 with the goal of selecting an appropriate location within the Kootenay region by Winter 2024. This phase involves engaging with local governments, landowners, and community organizations to secure a site that meets all necessary criteria.

  2. Implementation of Core Components:

    • Sanitation: Starting in Spring 2025, the focus will be on setting up portable sanitary stations, waste management systems, and accessible water facilities, aiming to complete this component by Early Summer 2025.
    • Modular Shelter: Concurrent with Sanitation efforts, design, and assembly of sustainable modular shelters will commence. This task, set to begin in Early Summer 2025, is expected to extend through to Early Fall 2025.
    • Nature-Based Healing: Also commencing in Early Summer 2025, this component involves creating green spaces and therapeutic gardens. It aims for foundational elements to be established by Early Fall 2025.
    • Community Engagement: This ongoing process will start aggressively in Spring 2025 with workshops and community governance initiatives, expecting to have a solid foundation by Early Summer 2025.

This timeline is crafted to ensure the initiative's primary implementation phases are completed by Fall 2025, setting the stage for the continued development and enhancement of the encampment.

Budget Overview

1. Location Identification (Summer 2024 - Winter 2024)

  • Research and Assessment Costs: $20,000
  • Consultation Fees: $15,000
  • Permitting and Legal Fees: $15,000

2. Implementation of Core Components

a. Sanitation (Spring 2025 - Early Summer 2025)
  • Portable Sanitary Stations: $60,000
  • Waste Management Systems: $50,000
  • Accessible Water Stations: $40,000
b. Modular Shelter (Early Summer 2025 - Early Fall 2025)
  • Design and Materials: $150,000
  • Assembly and Construction: $100,000
c. Nature-Based Healing (Early Summer 2025 - Early Fall 2025)
  • Green Spaces and Gardens: $40,000
  • Therapeutic Activities: $35,000
d. Community Engagement (Spring 2025 - Early Summer 2025)
  • Workshops and Training: $25,000
  • Community Governance: $25,000

Total Estimated Budget: $575,000

This budget serves as a preliminary estimate to aid in planning and can be adjusted based on further developments, specific choices, and local conditions.